I believe I previously stated that I intended to complete two feature length scripts by Christmas of 2009. Apparently I was just kidding. The new deadline for the RC is February 24th. The new deadline for the Psychological Thriller (PT) is “sometime after that.” We have given ourselves February 24th as our deadline because it is the night that WriterGal will be performing her one-woman show at a well-known comedy theater in Los Angeles. I will be directing that show. With the help of our manager and the young producer, we are hoping a decent amount of “industry” will come out to the show. The RC is based on the one-woman show, so we would like to be able to tell the “industry” that if they liked the theatrical version, we can send them the feature version first thing in the morning. I’m not even sure if this strategy completely makes sense, but at least it is keeping us motivated to finish this script in a timely fashion.
In one week, WriterGal and I will be meeting with a lawyer who has read and loves SP1. The idea is to build our “team” now. The lawyer would only make money if we sell something or sign a deal and need his services. In that scenario he would take 5%. He may also have connections that he could set us up with to sell the show. Truthfully, I am skeptical. Some writer friends have told me that a lawyer isn’t needed until one is more established. Also, we have been introduced to this lawyer through our literary manager. I’ve been told that it is best to have your connection to a lawyer be through a channel that is not your manager. This way you know the lawyer is acting in your best interest and nobody else’s. Don’t get me wrong, I trust my manager. I’m just stating what I’ve heard. Either way, there is no harm in meeting with this lawyer.

I’ve also been working to help my little brother pitch his action/adventure web series. I recently got as far as getting a meeting set up with the new media division of one of the major production companies. Unfortunately, our middleman (a small production company that has a relationship with the larger company) got cold feet. They expressed that they felt the product was “too young” and canceled the meeting. My brother and his production team are working on a new and improved proposal and I hope to help them see it get to the next level.
Financially, I am worse off than ever. I am trying to get through February without a “non-writing” job. It looks like I may have to pay WriterGal back for February rent after I get a job in March. On the bright side, I got $300 knocked off my car insurance. How? I called to let them know that I now work from home and only drive 4,000 miles a year. Plus, spending an extra $121 a year on renter's insurance through the same provider will take an additional 10% off my car insurance. If you are recently unemployed I suggest you notify your insurance broker that you no longer commute.