My manager has advised that I have an entertainment lawyer at the ready just in case our sitcom magically gets on the fast track. Do you happen to know a lawyer that you would highly recommend? My manager has a recommendation, as does the young producer, so I'm only looking for a "no, you need to use my guy, he (or she) is amazing" style recommendation.

I don't know very many lawyers or much about what they do, so I don't really know what to tell you I am looking for in a lawyer. Everything I know about lawyers, I learned from watching movies. If I had a choice, I would prefer a lawyer from a 1940s film. Think of the skillful, dedicated, and witty characters in ADAM'S RIB. They would do the job and also be great pals. I could also go for a lawyer from the 1960s. Gregory Peck's saintly Atticus Finch comes to mind. I know I don't want a lawyer from the '80s or '90s. They are mostly rude, drink a lot, have loose sexual morals, and use too much hair product.
I hope this helps you give me a good recommendation. Thank you in advance.
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