I’ve seen this film at least twice before and it normally scares the bejesus out of me. However, this afternoon I was scared to a whole new level. I found myself viewing THE SHINING, not as a horror film, but as a simple and accurate character study of a writer struggling to finish his work. You see, the past week has been a disaster for my PT script. At some point I realized that I couldn’t go forward without a proper outline, but I refused to admit it. The result was nine-hour workdays that involved staring at my computer screen, staring at my cereal bowl, and staring out the window (much like Jack Torrence in minute 46 -- probably the first indication that Jack is on the verge of mental collapse).

I’m still stuck on page 43 of my script and all the work I’ve put in over the last two weeks might as well add up to “All work and no play makes WriterGuy a dull boy.” Cabin Fever has struck in my two-bedroom apartment. I’ve grown completely unreasonable. Making the bed, washing the dishes, changing out of my pajamas, going outside… these all seem like preposterous ideas. I’m singularly focused on finishing this script, yet day after day passes without any inkling of substance transcribed and I find myself falling into madness. Did my dog just say something?
Desperation is setting in. My money is gone. I’ve just received my credit card bill and I don’t have the money in my account to pay for it. I should probably call and let my parents know so they don’t find out by reading this blog. I suppose I have two options. Option 1: I can ask for a loan. Option 2: I can get a job. Getting a fulltime job will certainly destroy my writing schedule. If I do get a job, it sure as hell isn’t going to be at the Overlook Hotel.
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